Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Book of Lost Things, John Connolly

This book was recommended to me by my sister Emily. In her words is was so freakin cool.

My sentiments don't exactly match hers.

It was an interesting read, and I enjoyed it. But it was on the darker side of the works I would normally read.

David's mother dies, his dad remarries. The only solace he finds are in his books. But then a series of events sucks him in to a world of fairy tales. They are all familiar fairy tales, but told in the way they 'really' happened. In other words, not at all how we know them to have turned out.

There were not swear words, which is huge to me. A slight hint of the possibilty of one of the character being gay, which was not okay to me, but nothing in your face.

All-in-all: it was fine, a quick read, but dark.

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