Friday, September 19, 2008

Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer

So, I may get rotten fruit and vegetables thrown at me for this review.
In all honesty, the best I can say for this one is: it was fine.
I'm a huge fan of the series, but this one felt slow, and the ending wasn't as climactic as I would have liked to to have been. And there were times when I thought things were really just beaten into the ground. Yes, I get it, you are so amazingly attracted to Edward that it's hard to function sometimes. Yes, I get it, things don't look good. Yes, I get it, Jacob is so in love with Bella and it's just so unfair that she doesn't feel the same....
I could go on. Maybe it's just because I'm more of a Jacob fan than and Edward fan, this just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.
I almost gave up half way through, but I wanted to see if it would shape up any better in the end.
So for me, this wasn't the best in the series.
* Please keep the booing and hissing to a minimum.